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Waterlogic, the UK’s largest supplier of drinking water systems has recently launched The Oceansaver Accolade programme, recognising organisations that have made a significant contribution and commitment to the reduction of ‘single-use plastics’ that are not only impacting climate change but are dangerously polluting the world’s oceans.
Waterlogic supports Goldman Sachs at their London headquarters with five point-of-use (POU) water dispensers, providing the best tasting water from dispensers built with sustainability inside.
Environmental sustainability is at the forefront of Waterlogic’s operational mindset, which has resulted in the introduction of this programme. Waterlogic were the first company to introduce POU water dispensing systems that connect directly to existing water supplies, thereby reducing the need for environmentally unfriendly single-use plastic bottles.
Goldman Sachs has outlined in their Environmental Policy Framework guidelines for responsible resource consumption, which has brought about the removal of single-use plastics at their campuses. Goldman Sachs are committed to removing 85% of plastic consumed by the end of 2019 and are on track to remove 100% of plastic bottles and disposables by 2025. In addition to the removal of single-use plastics, there is a strong commitment to eliminate paper cups across the London campus at their tea points and have suggested employees to bring a reusable bottle or mug to work.
Chemicals and toxins from these single-use plastics leech into the ecosystem, causing harm to the health of both human and animal populations. In addition, more than 8 million tonnes of plastics enter the oceans ear year*, and by 2050 the oceans will contain more plastic by weight than fish.†
Matt Hemming, Customer Experience Director at Waterlogic UK said, “As Customer Experience Director at market leader of Water Dispensers in the UK, I get the opportunity to work with many businesses across the country. A lot of businesses are making more effort on the sustainability front however there are very few who put environmental sustainability at the forefront of what they do as an organisation. This is what Goldman Sachs have been doing by eliminating all single-use plastic cups and paper coffee cups from all of their London sites. This is at the same time as promoting to their staff to only use reusable products when consuming drinks. Waterlogic UK want to recognise this, which is why we have awarded Goldman Sachs with our Oceansaver Accolade for businesses that have made a significant contribution and commitment to Environmental Sustainability.”
For further information about Waterlogic and their POU water dispensers please visit:
These initiatives and others have ensured Goldman Sachs is on track to eliminate 38 tons of waste per year.
Dean Tracey, Executive Director in Hospitality Operations at Goldman Sachs, commented, “We are really proud to have received this award in recognition of our efforts to remove single-use plastics from our Hospitality business globally, and appreciate the partnership with Waterlogic that is helping us reach our goal, by providing an innovative water offering that encourages people to be mindful of their environmental impact.”
Founded in 1992, Waterlogic was one of the first companies to introduce point-of-use (“POU”) water dispensing systems to Europe and since that time has been a leader in the POU market in terms of product design, quality and the application of new technologies. An established organisation, Waterlogic has successfully grown both organically and through acquisition and continues to expand each year.
Waterlogic has an extensive and expanding independent global distribution network in place, reaching over 50 countries around the world. Waterlogic products are currently being sold in North and South America, Europe, Asia, Australia and South Africa. Leading markets are the US and Western Europe, in particular Germany, France, Scandinavia, the UK and Australia.
In addition, Waterlogic have developed Firewall® UV technology which at the point of dispense eliminates up to 99.9999% of bacteria, delivering the purest water possible with every cup dispensed. It also features BioCote®, an antimicrobial compound added to key plastic surfaces that keeps the dispensers fresher and cleaner for longer, protecting against odour causing microbes, such as bacteria, mould and mildew. Waterlogic water dispensers are designed with environmental sustainability in mind including; low energy consumption, recyclable materials and eco-friendly gas.
Press enquiries to: Kelly-Anne Ralph on 07783 155495
Business Insider, Jan 2017, By 2050, the oceans could have more plastic than fish: